Sunday, August 19, 2007

Save the Tatas

This being my 2nd post about the NYIGF show, I am writing about the 2nd most memorable product I found there (after this, posts will be in no particular order):

Save the Tatas

T-shirts...for everyone!

This company, founded to help benefit breast cancer research helps raise breast cancer awareness with brassy comedy & gets a great reaction from everyone. I even saw conservative looking older women buying them for their store, as they had lost a friend to breast cancer.

The company gives 5% of all sales to breast cancer research.

The awesome phrases on the t-shirts, tanks & other goodies include such sayings as:

For All

*Save the tatas

For Her

*My tatas could beat up your tatas

*I love my little tatas

*Caught you looking at my tatas

*If you can read this step away from my tatas (written in very small print)

For Him

*I support the tatas

*My wife has great tatas

*So many tatas so little time

*If loving tatas is wrong, I don't want to be right

For Baby

*Gimme your tatas and no one gets hurt

These are great way to provide lots of smiles, laughs & a cure!

Oh, and for you Mario Lopez fans (I can't resist those dimples!), there's a pic of Mario (and pics of many others) with a 'Save the tatas' t-shirt in the 'Show us your tatas!' section.

Folks, seriously, let's save the tatas!

2, 4, 6, 8. Who do we appreciate? Tatas! Tatas! Goooooooo tatas!!

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